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Early Years Phase

Welcome to Early Years Phase

Early Years contains two classes. Over the course of the year,we will learn about two key artists, Pichardo and Arcimboldo. Everyone will have the opportunity to try some artwork in the style of these artists. Later on in the year we will have a class assembly to share our learning.

Our Classes




Class Name


Teaching Assistants

PPA Cover Teacher

Barn Owls

Miss Brown

Mrs Ali

Forest School – Mrs (Forest) Hughes

 PE - Mr Ferrier


Miss Baxter

Miss Perkins

Mrs Jolly (HLTA)

Useful Information

On Wednesdays, Early Years have PE and Forest School on alternate weeks. Full, named PE/Forest School kits are needed in school on this day.

Early Years visit the library every Friday, please make sure your child has their library book in school so that they can change it. 

All children in Early Years are expected to bring their reading books and reading records into school daily,

Seesaw is used to support with the collaboration of home and school. It is used to support learning at school and to capture achievements at home moments.